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Current projects

Understanding Experiences and Recovery Capabilities of Diverse Communities in Gippsland Post 2019/20
Investigators: Celeste Young, Roger Jones and Craig Cormick
Funded by: Victoria University
Description: Examines post-bushfire recovery in Gippsland, particularly community strengths and capabilities (including coping with COVID), their role in recovery, and how this can enhance broader emergency management capability and community resilience in future events.

Young, C., Jones, R. N., and Cormick, C. 2021, Growing the Seeds: Recovery, Strength and Capability in Gippsland Communities, Victoria University, Melbourne, April.
Article in The Conversation.

Recent projects

Reimagining the Workforce: Building Smart, Sustainable, Safe Public Transport 2019-2020
Investigators: Celeste Young, Roger Jones
Funded by: Department of Transport Victoria and Rail Manufacturing CRC
Description: The aim of this study was to understand the practical steps needed to address critical skills shortages currently facing the sector, and build a sustainable and resilient future workforce.

Reports: Reimagining the Workforce

Building Strength and Capability Through Diversity 2017-2020
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Celeste Young, Roger Jones
Research team: Fiona Macdonald and Neelam Maharaj, VU and Craig Cormick, Creative Director, ThinkOutsideThe
Funded by: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
Description: This project will identify relevant strengths throughout the emergency services sector, identify and value the benefits of diversity, and investigate what underlies current organisational behaviour. The research will also develop a guidance framework that supports organisations to undertake such work.

Young, C., Jones, R.N., Macdonald, F. and Rasmussen, B. 2021, Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability: Final Report, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, March.
Ooi, D. and Young, C. 2021, Building Inclusive Partnerships with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
MacDonald, F. 2021, Young People and the Emergency Services: Working Towards Inclusive Partnerships, Reoprt to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Young, C. and Jones, R.N. 2020, Diversity and Inclusion Framework for Emergency Management Policy and Practice, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Young, C. 2020, Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability – Annual Report 2019, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, March.
MacDonald F. 2020, Building Resilience: Understanding the Capabilities of Diverse Communities, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, January.
Rasmussen, B. and Maharaj, N. 2019, The Economic Benefits of the Indigenous Fire and Rescue Employment Strategy (IFARES) Program: Fire and Rescue New South Wales, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, October.
Young, C. 2019, Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability Annual Report 2019, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, March, 19 pp.
Young, C. and Jones, R. 2019, Risky Business: Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, August, 38 pp.
Young, C. 2019, Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability Annual Report 2018, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, February, 16 pp.
Young, C. and Jones, R. 2019, Into the Future: Building Skills and Capabilities for an Inclusive and Diverse Workforce Workshop Context Paper, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, January.
Young, C., Jones, R.N. and Kumnick, M. 2018, The Long Road: Building Effective Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management Organisations – Case Study Synthesis and Draft Framework, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, July, 143 pp.
Young, C., Pyke, J., Maharaj, N., Rasmussen, B. and Jones, R. 2018, Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability Literature Review, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, March, 66 pp.
Pyke, J. 2018, Building Capability in Emergency Services: Diversity and Inclusion in Communities, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, July.
Rasmussen, B. and Maharaj, N. 2018, Changing Capabilities of Emergency Services Case Study Organisations, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, July.
Cormick, C. 2018, Community Values Survey: Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne.

Scoping Study: Costs of Climate Change Impacts on the Social Determinants of Health and Wellbeing 2017
Investigators: Roger Jones, Celeste Young, Bruce Rasmussen, Peter Sheehan, Kim Sweeny, Neelam Maharaj
Funded by: Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Description: This project develops a methodology that integrates the impacts of climate change with the social determinants of health and wellbeing and their downstream costs. A systems analysis combines climate impacts, key areas of interest and a range of economic methods and tools. That analysis links the cause-and-effect of climate change to key social determinants and the decision-making environment that address the costs of climate change on those determinants. The results provide a synthesis of existing research, assess levels of evidence and uncertainty, and map agency, presenting the results so that both current findings and future research generated can support decision making.

Regional and Sectoral Vulnerability Assessment for Victoria 2017
Investigators: Roger Jones, Celeste Young, John Symons
Funded by: Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Description: Based on a Climate Change Adaptation Directions Paper, the Victorian Government drafted its second adaptation plan. A key part of that plan aimed to reduce vulnerability in priority areas of people in community, environments and livelihoods and the built environment.
This investigation used an approach which varied from the conventional method of taking the most ‘predictable’ variables, mean temperature and rainfall, and concentrated on the climate-related risks most likely to result in vulnerability. Most are associated with extreme events. The rationale for this approach was to diagnose which areas of vulnerability may require the greatest attention for adaptation planning focused on reducing future damage and loss.

Developing Robust Indicators for Valuing Laneway Greening 2017
Investigators: Roger Jones, Celeste Young, John Symons
Funded by: City of Melbourne
Description: This was a collaborative project with the City of Melbourne and Melbourne University which was led by Victoria University. Its key aim was to work towards the utilization of the economic framework developed previously for the City of Melbourne, through development and testing of key economic indicators as part of the City of Melbourne Laneways project.

Provision of Training for Understanding and Applying Risk Ownership to Natural Hazard Risk 2017
Investigators: Roger Jones and Celeste Young
Funded by: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
Description: Risk ownership in strategic decision making is an area of practice in the Emergency Management Services (EMS) and requires building new skills and understandings. As a result, training involving face-to-face briefings and workshops is important to support the development of shared understandings and consistent approaches in this area. Three levels of training were developed to facilitate the uptake of research undertaken by the previous project Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard (see below).

Natural Gas and the Transformation of Energy Markets: China in a Global Context 2016-2017
Investigators: Peter Sheehan, Enjiang Cheng, Fanghong Sun, Steven Parker, Alison Welsh, Bruce Mountain
Funded by: Australia China Natural Gas Technology Partnership Fund (ACNGTPF)
Description: As China and other countries seek to reduce the role of coal and oil in energy use, the interplay between renewables and natural gas over the period to 2030 will be important in shaping outcomes in many countries, not least China. The overall goal of this project was to provide an improved knowledge base, to the ACNGTPF funders and to related parties in China and in Australia, on these key global factors influencing China’s structural adjustment process and on the progress being made in China.

Sheehan, P., Cheng, E. and Sun, F. 2016, Natural Gas and the Transformation of Energy Markets: China in a Global Context, Scoping Report to ACNGTPF, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Sheehan, P., Sun, F., Parker, S., Mountain, B. and Cheng, E. 2017, The Transformation of Energy Markets: China in a Global Context, Final Report to ACNGTPF, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, May, 55 pp.

Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risk at the Institutional Scale 2014-2017
Investigators: Roger Jones, Bruce Rasmussen, John Symons, Celeste Young, Peter Sheehan
Funded by: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
Description: The project objective was to develop a framework for understanding the ownership of risks from bushfires and natural hazards at the institutional level. It looked at institutions involved in natural disasters, such as local, state and federal government, and the community and private sector, and assessed how their specific values and rules interact with the broader values affected by natural disasters.

Reports and papers:
Young, C. and Jones, R. 2017, Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risks at the Institutional Scale Project: Final Report 2017, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, February, 36 pp.
Young, C., Jones, R., Kumnick, M., Christopher, G. and Casey, N. 2017, Risk Ownership Framework for Emergency Management Policy and Practice, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, July, 86 pp.
Young, C. and Jones, R. 2017, Risk Ownership Summary: Key Research Findings, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, February, 33 pp.
Young, C., Jones, R. and Symons, J. 2016, Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risks at the Institutional Scale: Annual Project Report 2015–2016, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, June, 18 pp.
Young, C., Symons, J. and Jones, R. 2016, Institutional Maps of Risk Ownership for Strategic Decision Making, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, June, 49 pp.
Young, C., Symons, J. and Jones, R. 2016, Understanding Values at Risk And Risk Ownership: Workshop Synthesis Report, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, June, 120 pp.
Symons, J. Jones, R.N. Milne, R. and MacLeod, A. 2015, Economic Geography of Bushfire and Flood Vulnerability in Victoria at the Statistical Local Area Scale, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, July, 77 pp.
Young, C., Jones, R. and Symons, J. 2015, Mapping and Understanding our Values at Risk and Risk Ownership: Context Paper, VISES Climate Change Working Paper No. 27, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, 33 pp.
Jones, R., Young, C. and Symons, J. 2015, Mapping Values at Risk from Natural Hazards at Geographic and Institutional Scales: Framework Development, VISES Climate Change Working Paper No. 28, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, 37 pp.
Young, C.K., Symons, J. and Jones, R.N. 2015, Whose Risk is it Anyway? Desktop Review of Institutional Ownership of Risk Associated with Natural Hazards and Disasters, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, June, 52 pp.
Young, C., Jones, R. and Symons, J. 2015, Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risks at the Institutional Scale: Annual Project Report 2014-2015, Report to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, 15 pp.
Young, C.K. and Jones, R.N. 2015, Mapping and Understanding Bushfire and Natural Hazard Vulnerability and Risks at the Institutional Scale: Annual Report 2014, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, January, 9 pp.
Young, C. 2014, The Problem Solution Framework: Process Guidance for Adaptation Practitioners, VISES Climate Change Working Paper No. 19, VISES, Melbourne, Victoria University, 64 pp.

Implications for Australia of China’s Demand for LNG 2014
Investigators: Peter Sheehan, Fang Hong Sun, Steven Parker, and Alison Welsh, with assistance from Enjiang Cheng.
Funded by: Australia China Natural Gas Technology Partnership Fund (ACNGTP)
Description: The overall goal of this project was to provide an improved knowledge base, to the ACNGTP and to related parties in China and in Australia, on the key global factors influencing China’s structural adjustment process and on the progress being made in China in addressing these challenges. The project documents and analyses the ongoing dynamics of the global competition between natural gas and renewables as the share of coal and oil declines, and project potential future outcomes of that competition. The study also documents and analyses the progressive transformation of China’s energy structure, with particular reference to the role of gas and renewables, in this context.

Assessing the Economic Value of Green Infrastructure 2014
Investigators: Roger Jones, Celeste Young and John Symons
Funded by: City of Melbourne
Partners: Banyule City Council, Moonee Valley City Council, Kingston City Council, and Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning
Description: This was a collaborative project between the City of Banyule Council, the City of Kingston Council and Moonee Valley City Council, led by the City of Melbourne. It was funded by the Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership (VASP), an established partnership between the Victorian Government and Victoria's 79 local councils. It developed an economic framework for green infrastructure to help local government value the benefits of green infrastructure (GI), especially for adapting to climate change. The framework enables local council asset managers and officers to address the multiple benefits of GI projects. It does this by building guidance for developing business cases and asset management into existing decision-making processes for developing GI.

VISES 2015, Green Infrastructure Economic Framework, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne. (PDF 3.9 MB)
VISES 2015, Green Infrastructure Economic Framework Summary Report, Victoria University, Melbourne. (PDF 2 MB)
Bowen, K.J. and Parry, M. 2015, The Evidence Base for Linkages Between Green Infrastructure, Public Health and Economic Benefit, paper prepared for the City of Melbourne, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Bowen, K.J. and Parry, M. 2015, Green Infrastructure and its Tri-benefits: Health, Environment and Economic, paper prepared for the City of Melbourne, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Jones, R.N., Symons, J. and Young, C.K. 2015, Assessing the Economic Value of Green Infrastructure: Green Paper, Climate Change Working Paper No. 24, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne. (PDF 1.1 MB)
Symons, J., Jones, R.N., Young, C.K. and Rasmussen, B. 2015, Assessing the Economic Value of Green Infrastructure: Literature Review, Climate Change Working Paper No 23, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Young, C.K, Symons, J. and Jones, R.N. 2015, Investing in Growth: Understanding the Value of Green Infrastructure Workshop Report, Climate Change Working Paper No. 22, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.
Young, C.K, Jones, R.N. and Symons, J. 2014, Investing in Growth: Understanding the Value of Green Infrastructure, Workshop Context Paper, Climate Change Working Paper No. 21, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.

Integrated Water Cycle Management at Brooklyn Industrial Estate for the Living Brooklyn Project 2014-2015
Investigators: Roger Jones (VISES) and Daniel Ooi (VU)
Funded by: City of Brimbank (Office of Living Victoria Fund)
Description: To explore the role of water in the Brooklyn Industrial Precinct by understanding its role in influencing risks and potential solutions to those risks.

Jones, R.N. and Ooi, D. 2014, Living Brooklyn: Baseline Report on the Economics of the Urban Water Cycle in the Brooklyn Industrial Precinct, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, August, 42 pp.

Making our Cities Liveable: Economic Evaluation and Policy Analysis for Green Infrastructure 2014
Investigator: Gayathri Mekala
Funded by: DFAT, Australia-India Council
Description: The principle aim of the project was to showcase the knowledge and expertise of the Australian team and build a new collaborative partnership with Indian research and government institutions, in the field of institutional economics, intergovernmental financing of projects, valuation of green infrastructure, and integrated urban water management in the context of a changing climate.

Exploring Science–Policy Links for the New Generation of Climate Change Scenarios 2013
Investigator: Roger Bodman
Funded by a 2013 Victoria University Research Development Grant

Workshop report:
Bodman, R.W., Young, C. and Jones, R.N. 2014, Workshop Report – The Science Policy Nexus: Assessing Climate Policy in an Imperfect World, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, January, 41 pp.

Valuing Adaptation Under Rapid Change: Anticipatory Adjustments, Maladaptation and Transformation 2011-2012
Investigators: Roger Jones, Peter Sheehan, Brantley Liddle and Gayathri Mekala (CSES); and John Handmer (RMIT University), Rod Marsh (Net Balance Foundation) and Celeste Young (VCCCAR)
Funded by: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF)
Description: Examined a number of key aspects of the how the climate changes and explored the challenges and opportunities that this poses when valuing adaptation to climate change.

Jones, R., Young, C., Handmer, J., Keating, A., Mekala, G. and Sheehan, P. 2013, Valuing Adaptation Under Rapid Change: Final Report, NCCARF, RMIT University and Victoria University, August, 192 pp.
Other outputs:
Jones, R. N., Young, C. K., Handmer, J., Keating, A., Mekala, G. D., Sheehan, P. 2013, Valuing Adaptation Under Rapid Change: Research Summary for Policy Makers, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, August, 21 pp.
Young, C. and Jones, R. 2013, Beyond the Mean Workshop: Final Report, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, May, 55 pp.
Project poster: The scientific origins of the gradualist adaptation narrative and how to move beyond it (August 2013)
Project poster: Adaptation and innovation: reframing adaptation implementation (August 2013)
Project poster handout: Adaptation and innovation: reframing adaptation implementation (August 2013)
Guidance notes for reading the IPCC summary for policymakers (October 2013)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report Coordinating Lead Author 2012
Investigator: Roger Jones
Funded by: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Description: Appointed of Co-ordinating Lead Author of chapter ‘Foundations of Decision-making’ for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II Fifth Assessment Report due in 2014.

Chapter 2 Foundations for Decision-making

CRN Project: Water Management - Economics Externality Costing 2013-2015
Investigators: Roger Jones in collaboration with Darla Hatton-McDonald and David Marlow of CSIRO
Funding 2013-2015 by CSIRO and CRN: For Postdoctoral Researcher Gayathri Mekala and Collaborative Researcher Celeste Young

Mekala, G.D. 2014, Rehabilitation of Stony Creek: Valuation of the Benefits of Rehabilitation,  Report submitted to City West Water,
VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, 37 pp.

A Regional Study of Increased Gas Use in Beijing and Guangdong, China 2011-2012
Investigators: Peter Sheehan and Alex English (CSES), Jiang Kejun and Yang Yufeng (Energy Research Institute); Bruce Mountain (Carbon Markets Economics); John Phillimore (Curtin Business School);
Funded by: Australia China Natural Gas Technology Partnership Fund (ACNGTP) and Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), Canberra
Description: Examined the major opportunities and constraints for rapidly increasing natural gas use through a comparative study in two economically significant regions: Beijing and the southern province of Guangdong.

Sheehan, P., English, A., Sun, F. and Cheng, E. 2014, The National and Regional Development of China’s Gas Market: Beyond Evolutionary Change?, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne, 72 pp.

Developing a Low Carbon Blueprint for China’s Cities 2012
Investigators: Alex English and Peter Sheehan (CSES); Dr Jiang Kejun, Energy Research Institute (ERI) and Dr Xu He, Nankai University
Funded by: Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE), Canberra
Description: Analytical research on and the development of a policy roadmap for, the transition to low carbon urban development by 2030; and the development of a low carbon index system for both Beijing and Tianjin, China.

Peter Sheehan
Roger Jones