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*Strategic Economic Studies
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Previous projects

The Economic Benefits of Cultural Diversity
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Peter Sheehan, Kim Sweeny and George Messinis (VISES),  Joanne Pyke (Victoria University) and Tony Pensabene (Elgin Economics)
Funded by: Department of Premier and Cabinet Victoria
Funding 2016: $97,250
Description: The primary research outcomes for the project are to identify and present evidence of the material economic benefits that cultural diversity brings to the state, to identify and present evidence of the costs associated with poor or degraded social cohesion to Victorian communities, and to develop a framework and methodology for longitudinal monitoring, analysis and reporting.

The Economic Impact of City of Maribyrnong Festivals Program
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen and Tony Pensabene (Elgin Economics)
Funded by: City of Maribyrnong
Funding 2015: $20,000
Description: An impact study report of expenditure generated by the Festival City Program and a model for demonstrating economic impact in subsequent years.

Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen and Alison Welsh (VISES) with Tony Pensabene (Elgin Economics)
Funded by: Department of Industry, Canberra
Funding 2014: $45,342
Description: The Department commissioned a review to understand the impact, in terms of costs and benefits, of the Australian Synchrotron (the Synchrotron). In measuring the impact, the review considered the direct costs of construction and operation; costs of capital upgrades; impact of research undertaken; improved productivity from application of research; employment and development of highly skilled workers; collaboration with Australia and internationally; technology transfer and commercialisation; revenue derived from industry use including number of patents derived; and direct economic benefits including tax and local area benefits. It was primarily literature based research followed up by discussions with Synchrotron staff, suppliers and users of the facilities. The report documents the impressive gains by the Synchrotron, not only as the operator of a key piece of scientific infrastructure expertly serving the scientific community, but also in developing its role more generally in the Australian innovation system, through its enhancement and active support for the Monash Technology Cluster.
Output: Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits, Report to Department of Industry

A Quantitative Analysis of Victoria’s Key Exporters and Export Competitors
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Alison Welsh, Neelam Maharaj and Kathleen Hurley (CSES), and Jim Lang (TradeData International Pty Ltd)
Funded by: Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI)
Funding 2013: $50,000
Description: The objective of the project was to provide the Department with a quantitative analysis of Victoria’s key exporters and export competitors.
A final report describing the methodology, providing relevant analysis, and a summary of main findings and supporting tables
A set of Excel spread sheets forming a database of the value of Victoria’s top exports, its exporters and its competitors in selected markets.

Analysis of Future Demand for Barristers Chambers
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen and Alison Welsh
Funded by: Barristers Chambers LTD (BLC)
Funding 2013: $15,000
Description: The objective of this report was to determine if there is a basis on which the Barrister’s Chambers can better project long-term demand to enable a more orderly development plan to be chosen.
Output: Analysis of Future Demand for Barristers Chambers: Report to BCL

Trends in Changing Business Location in 10 Interface LGAs
Investigators: Kathleen Hurley and Bruce Rasmussen
Funded by: SOCOM Consultants
Funding 2013: $10,000
Description: The objective of this study was to undertake an analysis of the DBI/Worksafe data on business establishments which maps the changes in the location of businesses in the ten interface council LGAs over the period 2001 to 2011.
Output: Trends in Changing Business Location in 10 Interface LGAs: Report to SOCOM

Forecasting Victorian Businesses by Employment and Locations
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Kathleen Hurley and Alison Welsh
Funded by: Department of Business and Innovation (Vic)
Funding 2012: $151,236
Description: A project on the spatial analysis of business premises using Worksafe data for 2000-2011 which highlighted trends in firm’s business locations and informed policy on transport, infrastructure and urban development. It also provided a forecast of industry employment and location trends throughout regions of Victoria for the next 10 years, by sectors and by regions.
Output: Forecasting Victorian Businesses by Employment and Locations: Report to DBI

Emerging Trends in Global Services Trade
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Kathleen Hurley and Alison Welsh
Funded by: Department of Business and Innovation (Vic)
Funding 2012: $85,209
Description: examines the latest available national and international level services exports data to paint a picture of the current state of Victoria’s exports of services, and Victoria and Australia’s place in the global services export market.
Output: Emerging Trends in Global Services Trade: Report to DBI

Business Location in Victoria: A Decade of Change
Investigators: Kathleen Hurley, Bruce Rasmussen and Peter Sheehan
Funded by: Department of Business and Innovation (Vic)
Funding 2011-2012: $90,000
Description: A major research collaboration between CSES, the Department of Business and Innovation (DBI) and WorkSafe Victoria examining the spatial movements of business establishments across Victoria over the last decade, using WorkSafe data. The analysis focused on the industrial and locational composition of Melbourne’s economy, the impact of economic change to Melbourne’s urban form and the implications of this change.
Outputs: Business Location in Victoria: A Decade of Change: Industry Report Series to DBI
Changing Location of Business Establishments in Victoria: Report to DBI

Identifying Investment and Trade Opportunities for Victoria with China
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Alex English and Kathleen Hurley (CSES); and Jim Lang (TradeData)
Funded by: Department of Business and Innovation (Vic)
Funding 2011-2012: $39,327
Description: This project provide 20 new trade and investment opportunities for Victoria in China, in specific priority sectors, as part of a new Victoria-China engagement strategy.
Output: Identifying Investment and Trade Opportunities for Victoria with China: Report to DBI

Regional and Sectoral Dimensions of Victorian Manufacturing
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Neelam Maharaj and Kathleen Hurley
Funded by: Department of Business and Innovation (Vic)
Funding 2011: $88,000
Description: This project investigated a new policy framework for Victorian Government manufacturing policies. One that moves away from sectoral development policies to broader based programs clustered around identified market failures. The report advocates policies which increase the adaptability of manufacturing firms to withstand adverse shocks and take advantage of new opportunities.
Output: Regional and Sectoral Dimensions of Victorian Manufacturing: Report to DBI

Victoria and the Resources Boom
Investigators: Peter Sheehan and Bob Gregory
Funded by: Department of Treasury and Finance (Vic)
Funding 2011: $45,100
Description: Investigates the net stimulatory impact of the resources boom and suggests it has come, or is coming, to an end. But most of the factors that have driven that boom are unlikely to continue. As a result Victoria needs to give serious consideration to pursuing an economic growth path that is sustainable in a long-term, high exchange rate regime.
Output: Victoria and the Resources Boom Report 1: Summary and Implications for Victoria
Victoria and the Resources Boom Report 2: Analysis and Supporting Documentation

Revised Latrobe Valley Adjustment Strategy
Investigator: Sally Weller
Funded by: Department of Planning and Regional Development (Vic)
Funding 2011: $59,000
Description: This consultancy updated and reproduced material provided to the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance in the CSES 2009 report “Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Adjustment Strategy for the Latrobe Valley”. The report updated material to take into account the new policy proposed by the Federal Government and their implications for the Latrobe Valley. The report assisted in strategy development and evidence base in developing structural adjustment assistance of the Federal and Victorian Governments.

Updating Melbourne's West
Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen, Andrew Van Hulten, Neelam Maharaj, with collaboration of Kathleen Hurley (DIIRD)
Funded by: Victorian Department of Industry, Innovation and Regional Development (DIIRD), Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD), , Victoria University
Funding 2010: $44,000
Description: This report documents the continuing growth and transition of the Western Region identified in the 2004 report by the CSES ‘Investing in Melbourne’s West: A Region in Transition’ (by P. Sheehan and J. Wiseman). It develops strategies that seek to better integrate the Western Region into the knowledge economy.
Outputs: Updating the West

Bruce Rasmussen, Director, VISES Email: Bruce.Rasmussen@vu.edu.au