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Previous projects

Estimation of the Value and Impact of NeCTAR Virtual Labs
Investigators: Kim Sweeny, Masha Fridman and Bruce Rasmussen
Funded by: Nectar
Funding 2016-2017: $87,500
Description: VISES was commissioned by the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources project (NECTAR) to estimate the value and impact of Nectar Virtual Laboratories (VLs). This process was led by Dr Michelle Barker, Deputy Director, Research Software Infrastructure of NeCTAR with the involvement of Dr Lyle Winton, Deputy Director, Research Platforms.

Nectar was established in 2009 by the Australian Government following a 2009/10 Budget announcement of $47 million to support Nectar as part of the Super Science initiative financed by the Education Investment Fund (EIF).

Four VLs were assessed (Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL); Characterisation Virtual Laboratory (CVL), Genomics Virtual Laboratory (GVL). and Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI)) to:
  • access value (value of the time and therefore the cost for users of accessing the labs);
  • contingent value (employs a willingness to pay approach to valuing the services of the labs);
  • efficiency savings (savings made by the users of having access to the labs compared to the costs involved should the labs not exist); and
  • return on R&D (estimated returns to investment in R&D).

Report: Sweeny, K., Fridman, M. and Rasmussen, B. 2017, Estimating the Value and Impact of Nectar Virtual Laboratories, Report to Nectar, VISES, Victoria University, Melbourne.

Read news of report on Nectar.

Innovation: Knowledge Access
Investigator: John Houghton

Funded by: Omidyar Network, UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), US Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC-ARL), German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft), UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Netherland's SURF Foundation, Danish Ministry of Culture, Danish Ministry for Science and Innovation, European Knowledge Exchange Group (KE), Australian Department of Industry, Australian Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), Australian National Data Service (ANDS), Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG), Australian Research Council (ARC).

Part of the Institute's research program on innovation, focused on knowledge access and the economic and social impacts of access to knowledge. This work explored the economic implications of alternative scholarly publication and distribution business models and the impacts of those models on the economy and society. Major foci included Open Access models for scientific and scholarly publishing, the curation and open sharing of research data, and the costs and benefits of making public sector information (PSI) more openly and freely available. Each of the projects contributed to our understanding of the implications of alternative information publishing and dissemination models, and to the active worldwide policy debate on Open Access, Open Science and Open Data.


Projects and Reports

Bruce Rasmussen