CSES Working Papers 1995-2006
Working Paper No. 26
Commercialisation Processes in Bioinformatics: Analysis of
Bioinformatics Patents
Bruce Rasmussen (December 2005), (pdf file 135 KB)
paper sets out to document the converging nature of the innovation
process in bioinformatics; to examine patenting strategies of
bioinformatics companies; to identify the nature of the key companies
and other organisations in the bioinformatics innovation process; and to
identify the key research teams involved. It is very much work in
the complex nature of patent analysis and issues with the definition of
bioinformatics, much of the paper is devoted to providing an outline of
various patent analysis methodologies and the implications of those
methodologies for the analysis and conclusions.
Working Paper No. 25
Commercialisation Processes in Converging Technologies: Case Study
of Bioinformatics
Bruce Rasmussen (March 2005), (pdf file 99 KB)
Working Paper No. 24
Research Communication Costs in Australia, Emerging Opportunities
and Benefits
John Houghton, Colin Steele and Peter Sheehan (2006), (pdf file 940 KB)
The environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated
is undergoing profound change, with new technologies offering new
opportunities, changing research practices demanding new capabilities,
and increased focus on research performance. Nevertheless, despite
billions of dollars being spent by governments on R&D each year,
relatively little policy attention has yet been paid to the
dissemination of the results of that research through scholarly
A key question facing us today is, are there new opportunities and new
models for scholarly communication that could enhance the dissemination
of research findings and, thereby, maximise the economic and social
returns to public investment in R&D? By exploring the costs involved in
scholarly communication activities and some of the potential benefits
available through emerging scholarly communication alternatives, this
study contributes to helping us answer this question.
The study provides background information, which is intended to provide
a basis for improved management of, and access to, research information,
outputs and infrastructure so that they are discoverable, accessible and
shareable. It also provides activity costing estimates for a range of
core activities within the higher education sector that may prove useful
in the management of institutional budgets and priorities.
Working Paper No. 23
The Economic Impact of Enhanced Access to Research Findings
John Houghton and Peter Sheehan (2006), (pdf file 126 KB)
The environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated
is undergoing profound change, with new technologies offering new
opportunities, changing research practices demanding new capabilities,
and increased focus on research performance. A key question facing us
today is, are there new opportunities and new models for scholarly
communication that could enhance the dissemination of research findings
and, thereby, increase the returns to investment in R&D?
Identifying access and efficiency limitations under the
subscription-based publishing model that has dominated scientific
publishing, this paper explores the potential impacts of enhanced access
to research outputs. We develop a modified growth model, introducing
‘access’ and ‘efficiency’ into calculating the returns to R&D.
Indicative impact ranges are presented for gross expenditure on R&D (GERD)
and government expenditure on R&D (GovERD) for all OECD countries. We
conclude that there may be substantial benefits to be gained from
increased access to research findings, and our preliminary estimates
suggest that this may be fertile ground for further policy relevant
Working Paper No. 22
The Evolution of Constitutional Federalism in Australia: An
Incomplete Contracts Approach
Bhajan Grewal and Peter Sheehan (2003), (pdf file 81 KB)
The interest in, and the appeal of,
fiscal federalism and fiscal decentralization have been increasing
in recent years. At the same time many mature federations continue
to evolve towards greater centralization, as Australia has evolved
in the last one hundred years. The reasons for the evolution of
fiscal federalism towards greater centralization remain unclear, and
the traditional theories of fiscal federalism shed little light on
the factors that might be important in this process. This paper
suggests that the insight yielded by the new institutional economics
– that the motivations and incentives of economic agents, and the
options available to them, are influenced in a fundamental sense by
the incompleteness of contracts – may throw considerable light on
the evolution of federalism in Australia over the past one hundred
Working Paper No. 21
The Quality Use of Medicines: Serving Health and Economic
Peter Sheehan (2003), (pdf file 87 KB)
Working Paper No. 20
Rates of Interest, Credit
Supply and China’s Rural Development
Enjiang Cheng and Zhong Xu (2003), (pdf file 93 KB)
By analysing the data on the supply
of rural credit, we find that official statistics have overstated
the supply of institutional credit in rural China, as the supply of
institutional credit as a proportion of rural deposits in China has
actually plummeted after 1996. Using the findings from field
investigations in China, we argue that the current official lending
rate is unsustainable and that state regulation of interest rates
and the consequential market distortions have contributed to the
ever-growing non-performing loans and financial losses of rural
financial institutions, and hence to the declines in the supply of
rural credit.
Working Paper No.19
The Global Knowledge Economy and Regional Concentration of
Manufacturing in Australia
Peter Sheehan and Bhajan Grewal (2000), (pdf file 88 KB)
This paper is concerned with the
implications of the knowledge economy for the spatial distribution
of economic activity in Australia, and with the role played by
foreign direct investment and multinational enterprises (MNEs) in
influencing that distribution. There are clearly two
antithetical sets of forces in play globally: those working towards
greater geographical dispersion of economic activities and
those working towards increased geographical concentration of
those activities. Globalisation and localisation have
therefore become opposite sides of the same coin. That is, at
the same time as economic activities, and perhaps particularly those
of MNEs, are becoming dispersed around the world they are also being
increasingly concentrated in particular regions or 'sticky
places'. An important part of this process is the emergence of
clusters of asset augmenting activities, whereby MNEs and local
firms concentrate many of their activities in small regional areas, inter
alia to take advantage of the dynamic externalities associated
with the use of intellectual capital.
Working Paper No.18
A Primer on the Knowledge Economy
John Houghton and Peter Sheehan (2000), (pdf file
582 KB)
This primer is intended as a brief
guide to the Knowledge Economy for people in business and government
who need a succinct summary of its major features and
implications. It draws on research undertaken at CSES over the
last few years, on the work of the OECD and on a rapidly growing
international literature, and aims to provide a synthesis. We
address the following questions:
- What is the knowledge economy?
- What is new about the 'New Economy'?
- What does it mean for Australia?
- What might we do to meet the challenge?
Working Paper No.17
Manufacturing and Growth in the Longer Term:
An Economic Perspective
Peter Sheehan (2000), (pdf file
98 KB)
This IMS Vision 2020 Forum is
intended to focus on the key issues shaping manufacturing in the
early decades of the new century, having regard to emerging
technological and socio-economic trends. My task in this paper
is to provide some economic perspective to this agenda, with special
reference to recent economic theorising about growth and to the
continuing impact of technological change on the global economic and
social structure. In doing so I am conscious of the diversity
of possible approaches to this agenda, and in particular to the
discussion of similar issues in this place three years ago, which
gave rise to the important National Research Council publication Visionary
Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 (National Research Council
1998). Thus this paper can be seen only as one limited and
personal perspective.
Working Paper No. 16
Areas of Australian Clinical Health R&D
Nick Pappas (1999), (pdf file 43 KB)
The study found that
Australian expenditure on clinical health R&D aimed
at improving treatment to various forms of cancer,
including prostrate and breast cancer, and heart disease
is likely to realise relatively high returns to
Australians. These diseases are relatively large causes
of premature mortality in Australia, and are relatively
large causes of premature mortality in Australia compared
to other OECD countries. Resources allocated to
developing better antiasthmatics are also likely to
realise a relatively large return due to the relatively
large number of asthmatics in Australia. Finally, using
these results to evaluate the existing composition of
Australian expenditure on clinical health R&D
revealed that increasing the share of R&D to these
areas might improve Australian health and thereby
Working Paper No. 15
The Global
Knowledge Economy: Challenges for China's Development
Peter Sheehan (1999), (pdf file 94 KB)
Two central facts provide
the motivation for this paper, and the intersection
between them provides the central question. The first
fact is the fundamental transformation of global economic
activity which is taking place, and which is sometimes
referred to as the emergence of the global knowledge
economy. When our grandchildren sit back and reflect in
the middle of the new century, the years between about
1985 and 2020 will stand out as a period at least as
pivotal in human affairs as that between 1760 and 1820,
which ushered in the Industrial Revolution. For what we
are in the midst of is the emergence of a quite new set
of economic activities, arrangements and institutions
the global knowledge economy. This new economy
will be as different from what preceded it as was the
industrial era from feudalism, and it is already
beginning to have a comparable impact on social
relationships and institutions.
Working Paper No. 14
Did the Australian Loan Council Encourage Excessive Borrowing by the
Bhajan Grewal (1999), (pdf file 57 KB)
controls employed by the Australian Loan Council over State
governments' borrowings are examined in the context of the recent
literature on bailouts and fiscal responsibility. It is found that
although some bailout did occur from time to time, there is no
evidence of a systemic bias towards bailouts in Australia.
Considering that the Australian Loan Council is a unique institution
among federal countries, its success in avoiding systemic bailouts
may be of more than passing interest in other countries.
Working Paper No. 13
Engineering Technologies
Ainsley Jolley (1999), (pdf
file 82 KB)
This study is an attempt
to marry some empirical observations on prospective
technological developments in transportation and
engineering with developments in economic theory. It
draws on research undertaken by the Centre for Strategic
Economic Studies on the aerospace industry (CSES 1995,
1999) and research on sustainable transport (Jolley 1996,
1999) as well as unpublished research on global
developments in the defence industries. On the
theoretical side, it makes use of the literature on
evolutionary economics and innovation systems (note DISR
1998). In addition, it also draws attention to the
relevance of technology foresight as a tool for
influencing innovation systems (APEC Center for
Technological Foresight 1998; AATSE 1999). The first
section of the paper emphasises the substantial stimulus
to innovation that now exists in transportation and
defence systems. This stimulus arises in large part
because of the momentum associated with the push to
develop sustainable transportation. The second section of
the paper describes the new technologies being developed
in different industries (materials technology, engines,
industrial electronics, design and manufacturing
technologies, new approaches to maintenance and repair
and to safety). It indicates that these developments will
give rise to potential technological synergies across a
broad range of industries. The final section of the paper
tackles the issue of how these potential technological
synergies might best be exploited. It briefly reviews the
economic analysis of innovation, gives some examples of
Australian capacities for engineering innovation, and
indicates how technology foresight as a tool can be
applied to encouraging the development of a national
innovation system in Australian engineering.
Working Paper No. 12
New Manufacturing
One Approach to the Knowledge Economy
John Houghton, Nick Pappas and
Peter Sheehan (1999), (pdf file 128 KB)
With the emergence of the
global knowledge economy we are seeing changes in the
industrial composition of economies, in the nature of
activities within industries, and in the relationships
between industries. In this paper we seek to shed light
on the nature of those changes. We begin by questioning
the commonly held notion that a knowledge economy is a
services economy. We then develop an alternative
framework for understanding the economic contribution of
various production and service activities. In this way,
we show that the goods producing and goods related
service industries remain at the core of developed
economies. We then present a brief sketch of the nature
of new manufacturing in order to highlight
the increasing inter-relatedness of both sectors and
industries in a knowledge economy. Finally, we present an
example of how an alternative perspective on structural
change, and on the emergence of the increasingly complex
product systems which we characterise as new
manufacturing, can be operationalised and used to
inform the study of even the most traditional
manufacturing industries as well as the formulation of
industry policy for a knowledge economy. Implications for
Chinas future development are discussed.
Working Paper No. 11
Analysing Changes in Industry Structure
Galina Tikhomirova (1997), (pdf file 236 KB)
In considering changes in
industry structure, some framework or lens is necessary
through which to view and describe the changes. This
paper seeks to contribute in two ways to an improved
framework for analysing such changes, with a particular
emphasis on the long-run income potential of industry
structure. Five key characteristics of industries are
outlined and used to describe major industries in the
developed nations. These five characteristics are used in
order to develop one particular lens - termed the Index
of the Long Run Income Potential of Industry Structure -
to assess changes in the structure of trade and
production of different countries and regions in a global
context. The index, an analytical tool for evaluation of
the structure of manufacturing, is based on the
proposition that, other things being equal, a country
with an industry structure showing a high value of the
index should be able to generate a high level of per
capita income for its citizens. Some examples of the
application of the Index are presented in this paper.
These allow the author to draw some conclusions about the
pace and the direction of the process of structural
change over the period 1970-1994 and about structural
significance of computers and electronics industries.
Working Paper No. 10
The Australian Economy and Society: Shifting
Boundaries of Social Welfare in the Australian Federation
Bhajan Grewal and Peter Davenport (1997), (pdf file 100 KB)
Since the fall of the
Whitlam government in 1975, budgetary policy of the
Commonwealth has been framed generally in the context of
fiscal restraint. The need to fight inflation by reducing
budget outlays and deficits remained a constant theme
with the Commonwealth governments under Prime ministers
Fraser, Hawke and Keating. Commonwealth payments to the
States, having reached high levels during the Whitlam
years, were targeted for restraint throughout the
subsequent years. A distinctive feature of the measures
adopted for this purpose by the Fraser governments was
the sharp reductions in the specific purpose payments to
the States, while general purpose payments were protected
by several guarantee provisions. In contrast, the
Hawke-Keating governments slashed the general purpose
payments to the States, and the share of specific purpose
grants increased to more than half of total payments by
1994-95. Against this background, the role of the States
in social welfare outlays has been creeping up,
especially in the past decade. This paper traces this
change in the traditional boundaries of governments and
raises several questions about the sustainability of the
new trend.
Working Paper No. 9
Economics Beyond the Neoclassical Synthesis: Rediscovering
Keynes's Enterprise
Peter Sheehan (1996), (pdf file 2833 KB)
This paper has two central
themes. One is that to make sense of the results of work
in mathematical economics over the past twenty years -
the incredible richness of the models now being produced,
the wide diversity of their policy implications and the
evident failings of the welfare foundations of modern
economics - requires an understanding of the enterprise
of economics quite different from that of the pioneers of
mathematical economics. The second theme is that the
understanding of the enterprise of economics which Keynes
evolved and practised is highly relevant to this new task
of making sense of economics beyond the neoclassical
synthesis. Keyness conception of economics as a
moral science, in which a wide variety of models are used
as tools to guide practical judgement and the formulation
of policy initiatives to achieve morally desirable goals,
may have disappeared into the black hole of mathematics,
but it is reappearing with new force out the other side.
Working Paper No. 8
Transport, New Technologies and Industry Development
Ainsley Jolley (1996), (pdf file 1483 KB)
The motor vehicle as
currently designed in conjunction with present road
traffic management systems will not remain viable once
the costs of traffic congestion, air pollution and global
warming are taken into account. These issues are
influencing research on new technologies for vehicle
engines and new car designs, as well as new systems of
traffic management. The resulting changes in vehicle
design and traffic management systems will have a
significant impact on the structure of the global motor
vehicle industry.
Working Paper No. 7
Federalism and
Fiscal Equalisation: Should India Follow the
Australian Path?
Bhajan Grewal (1996), (pdf file 1146 KB)
In most federations, the
distribution of intergovernmental financial transfers is
based on the principle that relatively weaker
jurisdictions (in fiscal terms) receive more resources
per capita than the other jurisdictions, although not
every country has put in place a systematic approach to
the application of this principle, and the practice
differs from one case to another. In Australia, Canada
and Germany, relatively more formal and systematic
approaches are adopted for this purpose, even though
there are important differences in each countrys
coverage of fiscal equalisation and the associated
institutional arrangements. In India too, there is a
strong redistributive element in the distribution of
central government grants to the States, but the approach
is again different from that in the other countries.
Not only do Australia and
India share the objective of geographic redistribution,
but in recent years suggestions have been made to modify
some features of Indias approach to grant
distribution, which, if implemented, would bring the two
countries approaches closer. In particular, this
would be the case if the work of the Finance Commission
were to cover the entire revenue budget of the States,
not just the non-plan revenue budgets, and if the Finance
Commission were to be either made a permanent body or
serviced by a permanent secretariat. The Finance
Commission could then become an organisation similar to
the Commonwealth Grants Commission in Australia in terms
of its coverage and tenure. The main question posed in
this paper arises because even then important differences
will remain in what each commission is required to do and
how it approaches its brief. Focusing on these
substantive differences, the paper considers whether or
not they should be maintained in future.
Working Paper No. 6
Diverse Paths to Industrial Development in
East Asia and Asean
Peter Sheehan and Galina Tikhomirova
(1996), (pdf file
122 KB)
Two central facts dominate
the history of the world economy over the past two
decades - the revolution in computing and communications
and the rise of East Asia and ASEAN - although their
conjunction is normally regarded as casual rather than
causal. Over the same period one key theme in the
intellectual history of economics has been the
re-examination of the role of innovation and of the
creation of new goods in generating growth, these aspects
having been excluded by the assumptions of the standard
neoclassical models which prevailed for several decades.
The revolution in computing and communications has surely
led to the most rapid process of creation of new goods
that the world has seen, while the sustained pace of
economic development in East Asia and ASEAN also has no
obvious parallel. This paper attempts to link these two
phenomena, and to explore them in the context of new
theories of growth based on the intentional creation of
new goods. Our aim is to throw some light both on the
diverse patterns of growth in East Asia and ASEAN and on
the relevance of these new growth theories to the
contemporary growth experience.
Working Paper No. 5
A New Era of
World Economic Growth
Ainsley Jolley (1995), (pdf file 148 KB)
This paper argues that the
rate of growth of the world economy is likely to
accelerate over the coming decade as a result of the
impact of the new information technologies on
productivity, improvements in the capacity of businesses
to manage accelerating technological change, and a
continuing increase in the contribution of the Asian
economies to world growth.
The analysis employed in
the paper is to focus on four major influences on the
medium term growth of industrialised economies: the
macroeconomic framework, microeconomic influences,
technological change, and the role of management. These
influences are analysed in terms of their contribution
over the past few decades, and their likely future
impact. The development path of the rapidly growing Asian
economies, and the role played by the diffusion of
advanced technology, is explored. Finally, some long term
constraints on growth associated with environmental
factors and ageing populations are identified.
Working Paper No. 4
Keynes and
the Contemporary Predicament
Peter Sheehan (1995), (pdf file 54 KB)
The clash between the
values of the market and of the civilised community is a
major concern in many parts of the world, even as
market-based mechanisms generate more rapid growth. A
better understanding of Keyne's view of economics as a
moral science can throw light both on this dilemma and on
the role of economics in relation to it. The paper argues
that recent theoretical trends in economics -
particularly the development of a diverse range of
theories to guide judgement in different circumstances
and the return to substantive concepts of the good - are
consistent with this view.
Working Paper No. 3
Values and Public Policy
Peter Sheehan (1995), (pdf file 46 KB)
Prevailing approaches to
policy issues in many Western countries in recent decades
have reflected a characteristic cast of mind -
neoclassical in economics, liberal and individualistic in
politics, value neutral and universalistic in policy.
This paper analyses some of the foundations of this cast
of mind, deep-seated in Western intellectual history, and
reviews work in several different areas pointing to a
different paradigm. This analysis is set in the context
of the rise of Asian nations with quite diverse
traditions, and the consequent need for effective
interchange across cultural barriers.
Working Paper No. 2
Fiscal Imbalance in Australia: A Problem for Tax
Structure, not for Revenue Sharing
Bhajan Grewal (1995), (pdf file 108 KB)
It is argued in this paper
that vertical fiscal imbalance remains a serious problem
for Australian federation. The paper shows that although
by conventional measures vertical fiscal imbalance may
have improved in recent years, judging by its impact on
the States tax structure it is clear that the
situation has deteriorated. The unhappy legacy of revenue
sharing arrangements over the past fifty years is
discussed and it is shown that, despite numerous
alterations in these arrangements, revenue sharing has
failed as a solution for the problem of fiscal imbalance,
and has resulted in loss of accountability and
responsibility in government, and in institutional waste.
The States struggle for access to the field of
income tax since the 1950s is outlined and the perceived
impediments to such an access are considered in the light
of the 1991 report of the Commonwealth-State
officers working party on tax powers.
Working Paper No. 1
Fiscal Federalism in Australia: From Whitlam
to Keating
Russell Mathews and Bhajan Grewal(1995), (pdf file 111 KB)
This paper presents an
assessment of the development of fiscal federalism in
Australia over the two decades from 1972 to 1992. This
period covers the administrations of four Prime
Ministers, Whitlam, Fraser, Hawke and Keating, which
witnessed phenomenal change in the functioning of the
Australian federal system. It is argued that while fiscal
dominance of the Commonwealth remained a feature
throughout this period, fiscal centralisation reached new
heights during the Hawke-Keating period of 1983-1992.